Our panelists are active, engaged and ready to respond.

Our dedicated members team has successfully grown and nurtured a highly engaged research panel of people across the US and international markets.

Commission an online research project with a general population panel or more specialist demographics. We also offer state-by-state polling for regional targeting and comparisons.

All of our research results include age, gender and regional splits as standard. Data can be segmented further, including relationship status, employment, education and household income.

After a decade as OnePoll U.S., we are rebranding to Talker Research. Visit our new site here.

Panelists are extensively profiled, allowing for efficient targeting and segmentation into demographic groups.

Popular groups for research include moms, motorists, homeowners, pet owners, as well as specialist B2B panels. We can segment business panelists by seniority, job function, sector, experience – targeting C-suite executives, recruitment managers, business owners, marketing professionals and more.

With access to international research panels, we can conduct consumer and B2B surveys with respondents from multiple countries around the world.

Consumer and B2B panels

A small snapshot of the types of respondents we can reach. For more detailed demographic breakdowns, please talk to our team.

U.S. adults

General population. Fast response panel.


Moms, dads, grandparents. Segment by gender/age/no. of children.


Reach Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Gen Z.


Home-owning adults with or without mortgages.

College & university

Both undergraduates and graduates – target by major.


Car owners, or drivers with a licence but no vehicle.

Pet owners

People with cats, dogs or other furry friends.


Fitness enthusiasts, gamers, bakers, movie fans + more.


Reach teachers, professors and people working in education.


Target by profession, seniority, industry, company size.


National representation or specific states/ cities for comparison.


Worldwide respondents. Select individual or multiple countries.

OnePoll research in action

Get opinions, gather insights

Our team will co-ordinate your research project, reaching your target demographic with ease. We conduct consumer and B2B custom research for organizations of all sizes – delivering high quality results quickly and efficiently.

Research Panel